Project one Attraction-Ideation and thumbnail storyboards


Project one- Attraction

Ideation and thumbnail storyboards

Teams Transcript-

Please note that these are only the texts that are being displayed, some preferred to talk over call and everyone contributed to the story in some way.

Teams meeting starts

Group PowerPoint is made. Full slide are available further down.

Christina's PowerPoint

Christina show her own PowerPoint to but the group thought that the ideas within this PowerPoint as it too inside of the box.
Topics such as sex were off the table because it make some people uncomfortable or unsure how we would convey these ideas in a more abstract or inoffensive way.

We also couldn't have anything that requires a printer or scanner because Rosemary's was currently broken.


Teams meeting ends

Rosemary's thumbnails

Rosemary had made thumbnails from some of her favourite ideas from the groups mood board.


David Brawn-  "sorry mics shat itself but i think that the eyes of the kids and the book idea mixed together is a solid idea"

Rosemary's book of choice

David Brawn- "the chessire cat coming from the book into real life is a shout"

David Brawn- "make the child the only reoccuring character"
"yeah i think we need a storyboard so we know where the thing is gonna actually go and stuff"

Christina- "So we've the ideas so we're all gotta attempt making our own storyboard, yeah?"

David Brawn- "we could always ask how long we have to make it"

Christina-"We should consider how much mileage we can get out of this idea."

We all agreed that this film would be quite short due to the simple premise plus the shorter production time. ideas of how long this film will be ranged from 1-3 minutes to 5-10 minutes.

Christina's collection of children's book for inspiration 

 From here we parted ways to work on our other projects.
In the mean time Christina posted links to the other PowerPoint as well as the beginnings of a storyboard.

Christina's storyboards were on posted notes

David Adams-"i love the idea of the book coming off the shelf"

Christina- "thanks. I can't think up of a story than would connect us altogether. I'll just sketch out some ideas for some scenes and I'll make a proper storyboard once we we can put our heads together."

David Adams-"maybe we could make a set each with the small landscape of each book"

Christina-"oh that could work."

David Adams- "a small moodboard of what each book features and then if the character goes into these different books it could make it more forgiving if the character looks slightly different in each set"

Christina-"I have plenty of coloured paper so I could make a really quick mock up tommorrow."

David Adams-"that could be cool"

Christina-"I think I'll do Alice in Wonderland or the Wizard of Oz just because everyone knows those stories."

David Adams-"yeah thats fair enough"
"we could do 3 people do 3 different books and one person does the actual world where the bookshelf and physical books are"

Christina-"Well my house in a mess so I am not sure if I'll be doing that lol. Besides I really wanted to show off my paper puppets."

David Adams-"yeah thats fair enough, just an idea anyway not finished project"

Christina-"We'll see what everyone else thinks of that idea. we'll have to plan a meeting up at some point."

Rosemary-"I’ll send me storyboard now."

Christina-"That will be good. You always do great stuff so I can't wait to see it"

Rosemary-"Also used Pooh book as general idea but my storyboard can be made into any book really.

Rosemary presented hers via notebook

David Brawn-"Seems like all you have an idea of what book to do so it could be me who does the irl stuff for the animation"

Christina-"I am starting to see a pattern here too."

David Adams-"i love that idea of the pages turning"

Christina-"And hey I still think it counts as attraction but I'll try and make my sequence more obvious with the theme. Maybe the scene with the cookies?"

David Brawn-"Isn’t the attraction meant to be the kid itself and how he sees the world tho?"

David Adams-"i think in this one the attraction will come more from the curiosity with the books and yeah what David said the curiosity of the child and his attraction to everything"

David Brawn-"Yeah decent so anything more than that is extra"

David Adams-"yeah pretty much"
"its the kid more or less exploring the different worlds i think"

Christina-"That makes sense. Just worried about making things clear to the audience after my last project didn't have much rhyme or reason."

David Adams-"we have more time and people working on this, we can edit if we all agree it doesnt work"

Christina-"Also looking at the book itself. it's quite a bite sized read"

David Brawn-"Yeah the extra time and bodies working on it will help with meeting the deadline and having extra opinions will help weed out anything that doesn’t work"

David Adams-"yeah exactly"

Christina-"Then let's make this project the best we can."

Rosemary-"Everything sounds great. The idea is coming together. I’m gonna go ttyl"

                                                          Chat Resumes

Christina-"So guys."

David Brawn-"i think it ending with a book closing is the smart way to end the animation"
"good way to balance live action and animation as well"

David Adams-"yeah i like the finalisation of that"

Christina-"I did like that suggestion"

Rosemary-"yeah. also instead of the character walking aound the room why not have the pages flip over to the next story. and so on and so forth"

Christina-"That would make editing soooo much easier. 

David Brawn-"yeah and the transition being books would be more smooth"

Rosemary-"open the book on the table at th start and close it at the end"

Christina-"I would do the editing part but I am not going through the process of having all the sound break on me again. Don't think my heart could take it."

David Adams-"wouldnt want to put you through that again christina"

Rosemary-"we could all do the sound to our parts and then stitch them togtether if that is easier"

David Brawn-"and then look over then stitched together and make amendments where necessary"

Rosemary- "yeah exactly"

Christina-"that could work but if you want transitions then you would want some sort of fade in and out."

David Adams-"it might actually be easier for one person to do the sounds, might make it flow nicer, like having the same sound for the character and stuff"

Rosemary-"not really we could just flip a page then start the next scene no fade in or out needed"

David Adams-"or we could try doing our own sounds and then work around it"

Rosemary Brown-"yeah"

Christina-"I have got access to so I could download some possible sound effects and send you all the zip file? I am not sure if that would work.
But we need to get back on topic with the story before thinking about that sort of stuff."
"So we kinda agree on the basic outline from the sounds of things yeah?"
"Starts with a book coming of a shelf and then we go through four different stories and then ending with the fourth book closing again."

Rosemary-"Here an idea. Why not start the animation with a closed book. We  then open the book and a paper enviromnt of whatever we are using pops out. The scene the plips to the next persons scene and then it carries on till the end wear we close the book.        Just an idea."

Christina-"And with it being a simple premise I can image it would last any longer then 1 to 3min"

David Adams-"what about if we show a wide shot of the room and then a shot of the bookshelf, like that guy in the video was saying zooming in on important things"

Christina-"Yeah and that why we can shoot it at a low angle to convey that we are looking through eyes of a child"

David Adams-
"acctually i like yours rosemary"
"forget mine"

David Brawn-"could still do a bit of both"
"so a wide angle zoom into a book"

Christina-"I don't see why both ideas can work"

David Adams-"i might just be making more work for us hahaha"

Rosemary - "that great. Since my house doesnt have a book shelf it was an idea that worked but im fine with both idea. I was just trying to make the animation easier on us in the long run"

Christina-"So what rosemary is saying is that instead of the characters popping out of the book we could go into the world within the book instead? I would save of having to keep the room looking the same."

David Brawn-"having a cinematic intro and a still of a book will make the animation look good but also limit work"

David Adams-"yeah i like that"

David Brawn-"yeah like the world is happening isolated in the pages of the book"

Christina-"Lot more creative freedom."

Rosemary-"that basicly what im saying yeah. A story come to life. As if you thing about it from a child perspective the character dont have to be detailed we could use simple shapes and colours to represent the characters. e.g yellow for whinnie the poor and pink for piglet."
"along with shapes" 

David Brawn-"doing that could also avoid doing all the work and ros telling us at the end of it it cant be used cos of use of copyrighted characters"

David Adams-"very abstract so we can just deny association lol"

Christina-"I think that would be the best solution. Will we still cut to the 'real world to show the book cover of no?"

Rosemary-"i dont understand that sentence could u explain it more sorry"

Christina-"me or david?"

Rosemary-"david "

David Brawn- "basically so we dont get hit with copyright by using copyrighted characters"
"like winnie the pooh"

Christina -"Don't want to make the mouse angry."

Rosemary-"Ok yeah. Using shapes like circles and colour won’t get us copy righted. Also my internet has drop using my phone"
"Plus my patterned coloured paper will help"

David Brawn-"yeah make it obvious who it is kinda but dont go into detail sort of thing or add something that isnt in the original"

Winnie the poo isn't solely a Disney thing."

Rosemary's rough concepts 

Other notes-

-Each book will have it it's unique art style

-A turn around from the main child will be made so that the main characters design is somewhat consistent.

Group Mood Board slides-


At this point we were all brain storming, trying to combine your ideas in way that would work for all of us. 
We all liked the idea of the idea of how a child's imagination worked and now ordinary things may look more interesting or attractive to a child which was an idea that David Adams brought up.

We took inspiration from the abstract thought scene from inside out for some of our designs. Some also took interest into childhood development but we just didn't have the time.

A list of the book we had available. The highlighted books were the one were we could develop some ideas from. We stuck to stories everyone knows has it meant we didn't have to work as hard to convey what was going on in the story.


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